Alumni Interviews

Alumni Interviews

Alumni interview season is here!

For many students, college admissions interviews are fear-inducing. Although there is some decent prep material online, you can often go right to the source for clarity on what the process entails. There is no reason to fear your alumni interview because many schools have their protocols and the guidance/instructions they give your interviewer available for you to review online—including possible interview questions.

You do not need to spend hours preparing answers to hundreds of questions to prepare for alumni or any other college admissions interview thoroughly. Canned responses sound unnatural. In my experience, taking the less stressful approach bodes well for students: they do not waste hours preparing, which can detract from other important tasks (homework, community engagement, application essays, sleep), and because they have not overprepared, they will sound far more natural and “themselves”—a goal for the IV process. 

Remember, so much of a college admissions interview (and this entire process!) is about likeability—rehashing your resume word-for-word does not make you likable, but being able to hold a conversation and do so with ease does! You’ll find some alumni IV resources below:

You can find a general list of potential interview questions in older posts, but contact us if you want individualized help preparing for your college interviews—alumni or otherwise—or want access to additional materials. We’ve helped hundreds of students ace their interviews and gain acceptance to their first-choice colleges and universities—don’t miss an opportunity to shine live!

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Storytelling Matters

Storytelling Matters

One of the reasons we place so much emphasis on essay work? The ability to tell a story — especially your story — matters. And not just in the college application process.

There is little that can match good storytelling for strongly connecting us to one another, influencing us to make decisions, and making us believe in the products that we depend on in our everyday lives. Sharing stories strengthens and bonds us to each other, our workplaces, our relationships, our communities, and the world around us. All great speakers have discovered that telling stories has a much greater influence on their audience than simply spewing out data.

Read more here!

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Upcoming Merit Deadlines

Upcoming Merit Deadlines

Some colleges have merit deadlines that are earlier than posted deadlines. For example, if you are applying to BU in RD, the merit deadline is 12/1. Same with UConn, Pitt, Vandy, and others. You’ll find a list below via College Kickstart, but keep in mind this list might not be exhaustive. Please check the application instructions for every single school on your list if you want to apply by merit deadlines. 
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Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-and What We Can Do About It

Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-and What We Can Do About It

A tough one to read as a college counselor. Nothing new here from where we sit, but these are still hard truths and a call to action. It’s on all of us—not just parents!

Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-and What We Can Do About It.

A must-read!

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Colleges That Require the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)

Colleges That Require the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)

Applicants need to complete the SRAR for the following schools, where required. You can typically find more information about the SRAR on a school’s application instructions. Please read them.


Baylor University (TX) — optional

Binghamton University (NY) – optional

Clemson University (SC) — required

Duquesne University (PA) – optional

Florida A&M University – optional

Florida Atlantic University — required

Florida Polytechnic University (NOT Florida Tech) – optional

Florida State University — required

Kean University of New Jersey — optional

Louisiana State University – optional

Montclair State University (NJ) – optional

New College of Florida — optional

New York University – required

Northeastern University (MA) – required

Pennsylvania State University — required

Rutgers University (NJ—Camden, New Brunswick and Newark) — required

Texas A&M University — required

United States Air Force Academy (CO) — required

University at Buffalo (NY) – optional

University of Connecticut – optional

University of Delaware – required

University of Florida — required

University of Illinois — required

University of Minnesota Twin Cities – required; also uses CA Courses/Grades Report

University of North Florida — optional

University of Oregon – also uses CA Courses and Grades Report (need to submit only one of the two—not required to complete both)

University of Pittsburgh (PA) – required

University of Rhode Island — required

University of South Florida — required

University of Tennessee Knoxville – required

University of Texas Arlington — required

University of Texas San Antonio – required

University of West Florida — required

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) – required

***Please be sure to check with each individual college website to determine if this information remains current — PLEASE READ the application instructions!***

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College Admissions Interviews

College Admissions Interviews

General interview prep questions below!

High School Experience

  • Tell me a little bit about your high school.
  • Tell me about the courses you are taking currently.
  • Tell me about your favorite class(es) you have taken. Why favorite(s)?
  • Which class has been your least favorite? Why?
  • Which classes have been the most difficult (or most challenging)?
  • What subjects do you plan on studying at [school name]?
  • What activities and/or classes have you taken part in related to that field?
  • What does your dream career look like, what is your dream job?

Extracurricular Activities

  • What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • When you’re not in class, studying, or doing homework, what do you do with your time (organized activities or things for fun)?
  • How did you get involved/started with ____ activity?
  • What activity is the most meaningful to you and why?
  • What extracurricular activities do you hope to be involved with in college?
  • How have you spent your high school summers?

University Specific

  • What type of environment are you looking for in a college/university?
  • How did you become interested in [school]?
  • What do you find most appealing about [school]?
  • Why do you think you [school] might be the right fit for you?
  • Do you know any students at [school]?
  • If you had an opportunity to tell the Admissions Committee anything about yourself, what would it be? Why?
  • What would you want the Admissions Committee to know about you that may not come across on your application?
  • If I were to ask you to think back in three months to your visit to [school], what would be the first thing to pop into your head?
  • What have you learned about [school] that seems unusual or surprising?


  • If you got up and your best friend sat down, how would they describe you?
  • How would your teachers describe you?
  • If you had a year to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why?
  • What books are you currently reading? Or what have you read recently for school?
  • What has been a controversial issue at your school? What was your reaction, and how did you get involved?
  • Where have you made the biggest impact at your school or in your local community?
  • Where is your favorite place you have ever been? Why? Where would you like to go (if money and time were no object)?
  • Would you and where would you like to study abroad? Why?
  • What do you think is the most pressing issue of our time? Why?
  • What is your favorite book and why?
  • Is there anything we haven’t talked about that you wanted to talk about?

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Colleges Using The Self-Reported Academic Record — SRAR

Colleges Using The Self-Reported Academic Record — SRAR

Applicants must complete the SRAR for the following schools, where required. You can typically find more information about the SRAR on a school’s application instructions. Please read them. 



Baylor University (TX) — optional

Binghamton University (NY) – optional

Clemson University (SC) — required

Duquesne University (PA) – optional

Florida A&M University – optional

Florida Atlantic University — required

Florida Polytechnic University (NOT Florida Tech) – optional

Florida State University — required

Kean University of New Jersey — optional

Louisiana State University – optional

Montclair State University (NJ) – optional

New College of Florida — optional

New York University – required

Northeastern University (MA) – required

Pennsylvania State University — required

Rutgers University (NJ—Camden, New Brunswick and Newark) — required

Texas A&M University — required

United States Air Force Academy (CO) — required

University at Buffalo (NY) – optional

University of Connecticut – optional

University of Delaware – required

University of Florida — required

University of Minnesota Twin Cities – required; also uses CA Courses/Grades Report

University of North Florida — optional

University of Oregon – also uses CA Courses and Grades Report (need to submit only one of the two—not required to complete both)

University of Pittsburgh (PA) – required

University of Rhode Island — required

University of South Florida — required

University of Tennessee Knoxville – required

University of Texas Arlington — required

University of Texas San Antonio – required

University of West Florida — required

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) – required

***Please be sure to check with each individual college website to determine if this information remains current***

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How Applications Are Changing After the Supreme Court Ruling

How Applications Are Changing After the Supreme Court Ruling

New essay prompts, the review of fewer activities, no more checkboxes….lots of news!

Read more here and here

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Common Application Refresh Starts Today, 7/27, at 5pm Eastern

Common Application Refresh Starts Today, 7/27, at 5pm Eastern

Application refresh dates. The system refresh begins this afternoon (July 27), which will conclude the 2022-2023 application season. The first-year application will close to applicants and recommenders at 5 pm ET on July 27, 2023. The transfer application will close to applicants and recommenders at 5 pm ET on July 28, 2023.

Account rollover. You can roll over your account on August 1. For more details about how account rollover works, reference the Solutions Center for frequently asked questions and tips in the application guide for first-year and transfer students. 

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