Colleges That Are No Longer Test Optional – Updated March 2025

Colleges That Are No Longer Test Optional – Updated March 2025

Colleges have continued to roll back test-optional policies. We will update this post as more policy changes are made for fall 2026.

Auburn (testing STRONGLY preferred; required with under a certain GPA)
Cal Tech
Georgia Tech
Ohio State
University of Georgia
University of Florida (state-wide)
University of Miami
UNC Chapel Hill (required with under a certain GPA)
University of Tennessee (state-wide)
UT Austin

For 2027: Vanderbilt, Wisconsin (Madison) = which means they prefer scores now…

We have also found it beneficial to send high scores to most other test-optional schools in the top tier, especially if you are applying to a selective major (engineering, comp sci, data science, business, hard sciences) or attend a high school where the majority of students test and test well:

Vanderbilt – test preferred
Northwestern – test preferred
Notre Dame
Carnegie Mellon
Boston College
Boston University (exception: General Studies)
Case Western
University of Chicago
University of Michigan – test preferred
University of Wisconsin – test preferred
University of Virginia
University of Illinois
University of Maryland

Reach out to us if you’d like help with your application strategy and deciding if you are a good candidate to apply test-optional.

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Colleges Requiring SAT/ACT Testing for 2024 Admissions

Colleges Requiring SAT/ACT Testing for 2024 Admissions

Purdue just announced they are rolling back their test-optional policy, so we thought it was a good time to post about other schools that have done the same. We will try to keep this page updated as other schools likely re-institute testing requirements. 

*Florida public’s: University of Florida, Florida State, University of Central Florida, New College of Florida, etc.
University of Georgia
Georgia Tech
University of Tennessee
The Academies (Naval, West Point, Air Force)

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Colleges That Are No Longer Test Optional

Colleges That Are No Longer Test Optional

And so it begins…

MIT is no longer test-optional.

Will other schools follow in the name of transparency (because—let’s be honest—although test-optional policies do have merit at some institutions, they do not increase transparency around the admissions process)?

After careful consideration, we have decided to reinstate our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles. Our research shows standardized tests help us better assess the academic preparedness of all applicants and also help us identify socioeconomically disadvantaged students who lack access to advanced coursework or other enrichment opportunities that would otherwise demonstrate their readiness for MIT. We believe a requirement is more equitable and transparent than a test-optional policy. In the post below —  and in a separate conversation with MIT News today —  I explain more⁠ about how we think this decision helps us advance our mission. 

Some popular schools that have also rolled back COVID-era test-optional policies include UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Wilmington, UNC-Charlotte, East Carolina, Georgia Tech, the University of Georgia, the University of Florida, New College of Florida, FSU, UCF, and USF (all State University System of Florida). 

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