Give Thanks

Give Thanks

If you recently applied or are in the process of applying to college, my guess is you didn’t do it alone. Show some gratitude by sending a heartfelt thank you to the people who helped you make it happen. People to thank: parents, guidance counselor, teachers, letter of recommendation writers, admissions officers who hosted special events at your high school, anyone else who read your essays/app, and of course, your tutors, just to name a few!

Why is this important? Well, it’s good manners first and foremost. But an attitude of gratitude is also, according to positive psychology research, strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Harvard agrees

This year we are grateful for so much, but a few shoutouts to good health, the hard work and the dedication of our small team (thanks Emm and Kris for being so amazing!!), and to our students/parents for trusting our guidance during what has been a stressful year for everyone involved in the college application process. We are thankful to be able to support families and students with the uncertainty that is impacting the education landscape due to COVID-19.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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